Friday, July 6, 2012


fruit seller & kids

Another OSHA photo Don't just look at the guy on the right, notice the one on the left. What is he standing on?
this is the explanation of the crucifix. Apparently Dr. Livingstone (remember, Dr Livingstone I presume?) said his heart will always be in Africa. When he died his body was shipped back to England via Zanzibar; but his heart was removed and buried near Lake Victoria. The crucifix was made out of the tree under which his heart is buried. there's a story.

Dr. Livingstone's crucifix we presume

Zanzibar street/market through car window

This is a Masai young man. People hire them as guards because they have a reputation as great warriors. But every one I've seen is young and very thin. They do carry large blades and sticks though. He is watching at the Sunset Bar at the first hotel we were at

Me and social work faculty at Univ. of Zanzibar

State University of Zanzibar faculty. The tall guy on the right is our social work volunteer who travels and assists me

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