Tuesday, July 10, 2012


from the window of the plane  the Indian Ocean. That is a plane tire bottom left.


alley way in Zanzibar, lots of these in Stone Town. I hear the beaches and the islands are beautiful. I got this

tree in the national spice farm

Tanzanian "crow" I call it, big black with grey head and neck

sun setting on the Indian Ocean, people playing, kids always playing soccer

Zanzibar market fruits & baskets

Zanzibar markets

truck of bicycles, I just really liked how this looked

The social work faculty at University of Zanzibar and me

One more note: remember I said I've learned stuff about food and since my stomach is upset I was eating more simply. So tonite I boiled water and took out the bag of rice from the fridge. I poured a cup out and noticed something looked wrong at the open corner of the bag. Sheesh, it's string! A child's handful of curled up string! in the bottom 1/2 of my bag of rice!  I considered---do I cook rice? People are starving right here, wouldn't they eat it? Shouldn't I? I decided to toss it, if they get string in there I don't know what else might get in there. Went for plain pasta instead.

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